Markham Chinese Alliance Church 麥咸華人宣道會

Renewing our Unity in the Gospel 在福音裡更新我們的合一

  • Latest News 最新消息 ...

    May 10th, 2024

    Policy for Relaxation of COVID-related restrictions. 麥咸華人宣道會放寬 COVID相關限制指引 September 27, 2022
    As government authorities have lifted many of the restrictions related to COVID-19 in our country, the Board of Elders of MCAC has agreed on the following policies: 因應政府已經取消對COVID-19相關的多項限制,長議會於 9月 26日一致通過以下指引,即時生效:

    1. Food may be eaten in the church under certain conditions: 教會如舉辦聚餐活動,聚餐時建議:
      • Everyone needs to use hand sanitizer and avoid crowding many people at a table. We recommend a maximum of six people per table. 時刻使用消毒液清潔雙手,建議每台最多六人,以保持距離。
      • No one should feel that they must eat in order to participate in the event.可自由選擇是否出席聚會的聚餐部分。任何人都不應感覺到必須同時聚餐才能出席該活動
    2. The wearing of masks in the church will be optional but everyone is encouraged to be considerate of others. We would like to be a “mask-friendly” church where those who wish to wear a mask feel comfortable. 解除教會室內佩戴口罩指引 。個別人士如因身體健康需要,可選擇繼續佩戴口罩。讓我們成為一間 “mask-friendly” 的教會。 。
    3. We will no longer ask people to have their temperature checked when they come into the building. Those who are unwell (with symptoms of COVID-19 or a cold), please stay at home. 進入教會前無需測量體溫。身體不適者(有新冠或感冒病徵),應留在家中。
    4. We will continue to have hand sanitizer available at the front entrance and at other strategic points in the church building. 繼續於正門及其他 要道點設置消毒液。
    5. We will no longer use the plexiglass barriers for worship teams, pastors, Scripture readers, etc. 拆除講台上所設置的玻璃屏障
    6. We will continue with the current practice of cleaning and sanitizing the church on a weekly basis to prevent the spread of any infection. 教會仍繼續每週清潔並進行消毒,以預防病毒傳播。

    __MCAC is reopened for in-person Sunday services as well as Children Worship, please contact Pastor Lucinda Tam ( for more information. __ 教會已恢復實體主日崇拜,兒童崇拜也恢復,詳情請聯絡Pastor Lucinda Tam (。
    Sunday Services are also available on YouTube 網上與實體崇拜將同時進行, 網上崇拜請點擊


  • About us 關於我們 ...

    May 10th, 2024

    Materials Download 資料下載
    1 Chatelaine Drive, Markham L3S 3S9
    (905) 201-6344

    Sunday Service 主日崇拜
    English Service 英語 11:00 am
    Mandarin Serivce 國語 9:00 am
    Cantonese Service 粤語 11:00 am
    Children Service 兒童 9:15 am
    Tamil Service 泰米爾語 10:00 am

    Pastoral Team 教牧同工
    Rev. Timothy Wan 萬永翔牧師
    Rev. Nathan Kwan 關耀峰牧師
    Pastor Ray Ngan 顏家輝傳道
    Pastor Faith Lau 劉述希傳道
    Pastor Lucinda Tam 甘譚月美傳道

    Secretary 幹事
    Lilian Ng 伍李莉文
    x 21


  • Our Vision 我們的異象 ...

    May 11th, 2017

    In 2017 MCAC started our 7-year plan to pursue our vision of "Deeper Life & World Mission" to deepen our spiritual growth. We aim to be Christ Centered, Spirit Empowered & Mission Focused in everything we do to exemplify the love of Christ.
